We pride ourselves on our service, working on showmanship skills, teaching daily care routines and offering competitive show cattle for all levels of competition, year after year. 


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Sullivan Farms was founded on row crops; however, roughly 30 years ago it ventured into the cattle industry, when Earl's son, Scott, decided he wanted to raise his own 4-H steers. Scott was determined to raise a winner from his own farm and he was quite successful. He showed his calves and then began selling his calves to other local youth.

Unknowing to him at the time, he sold his future wife, Katie, her first steer. They began dating years later, and when it came time to 'pop the question' Scott chose to ask in the middle of a cow pasture...long story short...she said Yes! Eleven years later, they have three daughters and two of which like showing livestock, but LOVE raising and showing cattle.

Sullivan Farms always strives to raise good crops and great families, and now we are offering select cut meets for your family. Our cattle are raised with grain and open pasture. We chose not to medicate our cattle unless needed; if antibiotics are used we take those calves out of our inventory and do not offer them to the public, but we consume them instead.

Please contact Katie for prices and more information: or 252-205-7586.